Water running out of a tap in front of two hazy people in the background


Sociological analysis of household water consumption
Water running out of a tap in front of two hazy people in the background
Image: AI/DALL E 2

Brief description of the project

The “HaVe” project (social varieties of household water consumption) uses social science case studies in order to understand the differences in everyday water consumption. Using interviews and water diaries, the data set includes includes rural and urban households and covers different forms of households and social living conditions. On this basis, potentials for a sustainable consumption of water are being developed. The study reaches beyond private consumption because the everyday life interpretations of water can have a broader societal influence. They result in consumption decisions that cause significantly more indirect water consumption. And they can become part of and influence public controversies on water consumption.

“HaVe” further explores the potential demand for technological means to support sustainable water consumption, as well as the acceptance of technological innovation for the water supply. This promotes ThWIC’s transdisciplinary objectives and the cooperation between social and technical science sub-projects. Ultimately, communication and educational strategies for different social groups are developed, supporting sustainable water consumption.


Stephan Lorenz, apl. Prof. Dr
General and Theoretical Sociology
Room 3.101
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link