Socio-technical interconnections in the water supply
Black-and-white photograph of a frozen spiderweb
Image: Stephan Lorenz
Brief description of the project
The “VerNetzT” project uses a regional case study to explore the socio-technical interconnections in water supply and water treatment. By tracing technical infrastructures, the social networks of directly and indirectly involved actors are examined from a social science perspective. These dynamic interrelations will then be systematically developed. This approach also considers political regulations, economic factors, and civil society concerns, as well as historical developments on the one hand, and new demands arising from societal and ecological transformations on the other, particularly the impact of climate change on water supply.
Additionally, “VerNetzT” explores the support for technological innovations, but also conflict potentials in water supply networks. This research strengthens the transdisciplinary objectives of the ThWIC project and fosters collaboration between social science and technical subprojects. The procedural models to be developed aim to promote sustainable, transdisciplinary learning processes and collaborations.