In the projects of the field of innovation “Analysing Water”, approaches are being developed to allow water to be analysed comprehensively, fast, digitally, and cost-effectively. This opens the door to high-quality, reliable information about the quality of water, which serves to form the basis for new processes of water treatment (see field of innovation “Cleaning Water”), and to reveal problem areas that were unidentified up to this point. In addition, digital data of analyses pave the way for new approaches to simulation and predictive modelling of water systems and are a prerequisite for new forms of water assessment (see field of innovation “Assessing Water”).
A central element of the digital, dynamic water analysis striven for by ThWIC are sensors. Several projects of the field of innovation “Analysing Water” are advancing the development of a new generation of sensors that create high-quality water data without requiring several hours of lab analysis. These technologies aim to make the real-time collection of central water-management parameters such as chemical oxygen demand (COD) possible.