Developing water management fit for the future
The supply of clean water is one of the biggest social challenges of the future, on a global scale and in Germany alike. To prevent water scarcity and the potential for social conflict that is linked to it, new alliances across research, the economy, the public sector and civil society are necessary. Technological innovations like new methods for water treatment or smart water monitoring are as much in demand as social innovations such as new water usage systems or accounting processes.
The Thuringian Water Innovation Cluster (‘Thüringer Wasser-Innovationscluster’, ThWIC) was initiated by Friedrich Schiller University Jena together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTSExternal link and the University of Applied Sciences JenaExternal link. As part of the Clusters4FutureExternal link initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF), it aims to develop solutions for a more sustainable approach to water. For this purpose, ThWIC combines cutting-edge research about central aspects of water usage: new kinds of technology for analysis and purification methods, data science innovations and sociological research. Together with our industrial partners, we are working on solutions for a water management that is fit for the future. In doing so, we help meet global challenges effectively.
28 February to 24 August 2025 | Water exhibition at the City Museum Jena
Black-and-white photograph depicting the laying of wastewater pipes
Image: InternDrinking water should be ‘as consistently cool, colourless and clear, and free from strange smell and taste as possible’—this is how hygienist August Gärtner put it as early as 1915. But how was drinking water won in Jena in the past, how was it distributed, and how was wastewater disposed of? The exhibition Wasser Marsch! Geschichte der Trinkwasserversorgung und Abwasserbeseitigung in Jena (‘Water Go! History of the drinking water supply and wastewater disposal in Jena’) sheds light on the development of water infrastructure, usage conflicts, and modern water technologies.
As co-initiator, the Thuringian Water Innovation Cluster (ThWIC) is excited to support this exhibition and help raise awareness for a sustainable approach to the valuable resource water. Dive into the history and the future of our water!
The exhibition with many interesting exhibits and ample information regarding the topic water in Jena will be open to the public in the City Museum until August 24. Various experts of the Thuringian Water Innovation Cluster will accompany the exhibition's framework programme with subject-specific contributions and appearances in exhibition media.
25 to 28 March 2025 | Water Dialogues: Humanities and Natural Sciences in Communication with Each Other (Wasserdialoge: Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften im Austausch)
Reflection of clouds in a pond surface
Image: Adobe StockUnder the direction of Prof. Caroline Rosenthal (FSU Jena), Prof. Michael Stelter (FSU Jena), Dr. Katrin Schneider, and Annette Kinitz (Stiftung Kunst und Natur), the interdisciplinary Spring School “Wasserdialoge: Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften im Austausch takes place in Nantesbuch (Bad Heilbrunn) from 25 to 28 March 2025. During these three days, seminar participants approach the topic water guided by inputs from both the humanities as well as the natural sciences, and using their own scientific investigations and artistic creation. Theoretical views are complemented by hands-on personal experiences and field walks. The participants sound out borders between the disciplines, expand, and overturn them through connection and mutual inspiration.
31 March to 4 April 2025 | HANNOVERMESSE 2025
View of the exhibition hall from above
Image: Adobe StockThe HANNOVER MESSEExternal link takes place from 31 March to 4 April 2024. At the joint booth Forschung für die Zukunft (‘Research for the Future’) of Thuringia's universities in hall 2, stand C24, we are presenting the Thuringian Water Innovation Cluster (ThWIC). Using various exhibits from our projects as examples, we want to illustrate ThWIC's range and give our ThWIC community the chance to present their work towards a sustainable approach to water to a broad audience.
7 April to 11 July 2025 | Sustainability Lecture Series
Blocks with the logos of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals
Image: AdobeStockWith the rise of sustainability to one of the most influential terms of the present, sustainability research has changed likewise. The restriction to primarily ecological lines of questioning has long since made way to the understanding that in the current sustainability crisis, questions of ecological, economical, social and cultural nature are interlaced.
This lecture series de offers insights into current discussions, central topics and controversies of sustainability research and introduces various disciplinary approaches to sustainability issues. The lectures are open for interested students of all subjects and study programmes.
The lecture series is part of the ThWIC project IntraLEAD. Find more information about the IntraLEAD project here de.
7 April to 11 July 2025 | ThWIC Lecture Series
Lecture by Dr. Alexander Kulik in a lecture hall
Image: Anika KirschsteinWater issues can only be solved collectively. Through working together across borders between subjects and disciplines. Through close partnerships between science and business. Through cooperating with stakeholders in politics, administration, and civil society. With the ThWIC Lecture Series, we want to open up a room to find new perspectives on water issues, discover complementary skills, and establish new partnerships. Short impulses from academia and practice grant insights into current topics around our cluster and provide a space to exchange ideas. Bring your ideas, suggestions, and questions surrounding the topic water and become part of the ThWIC community!
5 June 2025 | World Environment Day
Tubular ceramic component
Image: Fraunhofer IKTSAs part of the special exhibition Wasser Marsch (‘Water Go!’), we invite you on 5 June 2025 to World Water Day: Exploring, understanding, and protecting water—a glimpse into scientific practice.
The event takes place in the City Museum Jena. Experience an interactive network game by the Institute of Sociology of the University of Jena that thematises waterflow in Jena. Discover innovative water treatment methods modelled after nature—the technical kidney (Technische Niere)—presented by the SciTec Department of the University of Applied Sciences Jena.
9 September 2025 | 11th Thuringian Environment Day 2025
Sundown at the Saale Loop in Thuringia
Image: Adobe StockOn 9 September 2025, the IHK Südthüringen and the Thuringian Water Innovation Cluster (ThWIC) jointly invite guests to the 11th Thuringian Environment Day. The event is aimed at companies searching for innovative solutions for a reliable and cost-efficient water supply, and companies offering technology for water analysis and water treatment.
The Thuringian Environment Day provides a platform for an exchange between industry, science, and politics. At the centre of the event are current challenges like industrial water demand, resilient supply concepts, and the Thuringian low-water strategy. It highlights technical innovations for water treatment and a circular economy, as well as the growing water demand of sunrise industries such as hydrogen production.
17 September 2025 | ThWIC Retreat
Dr. Patrick Bräutigam giving a speech in the auditorium of the University of Applied Sciences Jena
Image: Anika KirschsteinThWIC plans another two-day ThWIC Retreat this year in order to foster exchange and networking within and outside of the cluster. It will take place on 17 September 2025.
This year, the project results of implementation phase 1 will be presented, as well as the projects applied for in phase 2. An important point on the agenda is the long-term cooperation with all existing and new cluster members, even beyond the cluster’s funding.
You will find a sign-up link as well as the schedule here shortly.
Philosophenweg 7a
07743 Jena
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Postal address:
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Lehrstuhl für Technische Umweltchemie
Philosophenweg 7a
07743 Jena